Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Can you say busy?

Yesterday was so crazy busy for us, me.  Like, a whole bunch of running around.  My day started at my 4:30am wake up call for work. Got ready, nursed the babe and headed to work.  Worked until 11, came home, got the girls ready and fed and then headed to lunch with Dana and Addy.  After lunch we decided to go to the mall to walk around for a bit.  I totally should NOT have went because my girls were being, ahem, less than pleasant.  We actually had to cut the trip short because of the behavior!  I thought I may have to stop by the local mental health institute to commit myself on the way home ;)

How could this face be anything but angelic??

And of course, as soon as we got in the car, both girls fell asleep.  We got home, I pulled in the garage and let Mia finish her nap.  There was no way I was waking the sleeping monster angel.  I took Finley in, got her fed and bathed, let the dog out and fed her.  Finley and I got back in the car, Mia still asleep, and drove to church.  I got the girls out of the car, into church and Mia to her AWANA class.  Finley and I headed back to the car because we took the High School girls to Starbucks for small group lesson.  After our girl talk, we went back to church, ran in and got Mia from class and got back in the car to head home.  By this time it’s 845.  We get home and Finley and Mia are both hungry.  I let the dog out, put Finley in the bumbo and Mia in the tub.  While Mia was playing in the bath, I picked up some, fed Finley and watered the dog.  Get Mia out of the tub, feed her and get the dog in.  I had more cleaning and laundry to do, but I decided it could wait.  I was exhausted.  One of the HS girls told me that her mom said “You’re not a mom until you have TWO kids!”  I now agree.  I didn’t realize just how EASY it was with just one kiddo!!


But I wouldn’t trade it for the world!!

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