Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 6 hospital stay

Today is the last full day/night of hospital stay, and last day of chemo (for this round) PRAISE THE LORD.  We have to stay a little bit longer than originally planned because they didn’t get the chemo started until late Monday night.  So today, my dad, the girls and I hung out most of the day at the hospital.

Mommy and Mia selfies. Trying to pass the time…


Dad, Mia and I walked over to Penn Station to get some food, because Dave actually had an appetite!!


Finley stayed in the room with daddy…

My girls are being absolute troopers.  From being passed from house to house, mommy and daddy in and out and not understanding why daddy is in the hospital, they are being amazing and just going with the flow. I hate how this may be affecting them, but I am so thankful for family that loves us and them so much, that they sacrifice and adjust their schedules in order to allow me to be with Dave as much as possible and to work when I need to.  I don’t know what I would do without them.  My heart breaks no matter where I am.  If I am at home with the girls, I miss Dave so much, and vice versa.  But knowing that the girls are being so well taken care of helps so much.

After we ate, Finley and I went for a walk to burn off some of her energy.  When I came back, this is what I saw…

Everyone passed out after getting their bellies full!  HA

We are so ready to go home!

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