Thursday, June 12, 2014

Round 2, Day 4

The girls and I slept in this morning.  I think we are all physically and emotionally exhausted.  So we took it slow, ate some breakfast/juice, then got ready and went to visit daddy and take him his protein shake!

She said “I wanna go play baseball with Bryce!”  I said “You mean, you wanna go watch him?” and she said “NO!  I wanna play it with him!”

Guess I should get her a REAL baseball hat?!

Visiting our main man…
That girl is obsessed with her daddy!  I think we all kind of are ;)  He’s pretty stinking awesome!

We then left to let daddy rest some more, so the girls and I ran to Target and then to visit a sweet baby!
We were through the girls clothes aisle (imagine that!) and I turn around to Mia saying “Look mom, how about this!”…
HAHA!  Where does she come up with this stuff ;) Just kidding, I know exactly where she gets it!!

I’ve been meaning to meet this sweet new squish for 3 weeks now, but have been a little tied up, to say the least.  But it was so good to finally meet him and hold him and talk to his sweet mama, Tara. 
You are certainly a long awaited for gift, little man!

After our visit, my mom came and spent the night with the girls so that I could spend the night with Dave.  We had a pretty uneventful night, just battling the nausea and loss of appetite thing.  Almost done.

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