Saturday, June 28, 2014

Scan, Blood work, gymnastics, shopping and partaaay

Yesterday Dave had blood work and his PET scan.  I don’t really know why, but I was much more nervous this time, than the first.  He has had a headache for the past few days,and he has had a little cough since last Saturday.  I just don’t want it to spread anywhere else.  I pray all.the.time.  I fasted all morning and prayed so hard the whole time he was gone.  Once he was done we both had some lunch! 
So, his blood work came back with his platelets around 50,000 and WBC around 7.  However, his hemoglobin (part of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to our bodies) was extremely low (especially for a man).  When you typically here of someone being anemic, hemoglobin, or Hgb, is the number that is typically low.  Normally, for a healthy man, the levels are around 14-18, depending on the lab.  Dave’s Hgb was 7.4. If you have ever been anemic, then you know how terrible it feels.  No wonder he was lightheaded, dizzy, weak, pale, and had a headache!  Anemic PLUS chemo PLUS moving?  Y’all, I have a superman on my hands.  He is so strong and brave and I am SO proud of him.  There is NO WAY I would handle all of that as well as he does.


Needless to say, he was scheduled to have a blood transfusion tomorrow (or, today.)

This morning, he went to the hospital for his transfusion, and I took our big girl to gymnastics!  I am trying to keep her life as fun/normal as possible and she really enjoys gymnastics!
“Mia, smile for mommy!  PLEEEEAASSEE!!”

Please, no one remind me of how fun 15 will be.
After gym time, the girls and I burned some time at, none other than, TARGET!  DUH!  Did you think I would go anywhere else to browse??  HA!  We invited uncle B to come hang out and (!!!!!) SINCE HE IS DRIVING NOW, he got to drive himself to meet us!!!

And seriously, this is why I take this girl with me.  She is a hoot I tell ya…
And Finley’s mean mug photo bomb.  HAHAHAHAHA.  This is my life :)

Next up, our Brody mans birthday party!
These two have been double trouble from the get go ;)

Opening gifts and his “Poo dough.”  What is it with boys/kids thinking all things poop and farts are hilarious?! 

Hanging out, swimming, having a blast!

And this boy…
Is the dag on cherry on top!  My word I could squeeze him so hard!!
Although Dave wasn’t all the way back to par, we still had a great day!

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