Friday, August 29, 2014


We had an appointment with Vanderbilt Sarcoma clinic scheduled for today, and yesterday was my 29th birthday, again, so we decided since it was going to be kid free to make it a Birthday/Date Weekend!

We headed down yesterday, checked in to our hotel, got some dinner, walked downtown Nashville and had a couple of drinks together.  And just talked, and held hands without all of the hustle and bustle of getting kids ready and together.  We didn't have to say no, sit down, get over her, don't touch that, ONCE!  We all know how much we cherish our kids, but this time was SO refreshing for us.  We didn't have to share our bed, we took our time getting ready and were on our own time clock, not working around naps or anything!  Although it was short, and meant for business/second opinion, we so needed it.  For us.  All that we have been through over the past few months.  I am very thankful we were able to have that time together.

The next morning we met the Vanderbilt Oncologist, who specializes in sarcomas, and long story short, she agreed with everything our doctors here at home were doing.  We love our Oncologist and orthopedic oncologist here, but being that sarcoma is such a rare adult cancer, we just wanted to verify, for ourselves, that we were in the right place and getting the right care.  It was a very comforting confirmation!!

And onward we shall go...

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