Friday, March 15, 2013

A birthday party and my little sweetheart

Yesterday was my first day back to work!  Although I only worked 4 hours and it was super busy, it wasn’t as bad as I was dreading.  Most likely because it was only for four hours!  HA!
After work, I can home, nursed the babe and hung out with the family for a bit.  Later Ben, Mia and I headed to a local kids gym for Grant’s birthday party while Dave stayed home with Finley.  We wanted daddy to go, but it wouldn’t have been a fun time for Finley to sit in her car seat the whole time. And mommy still doesn’t like to take her out and expose her to many people yet!


The blur that is me and my girl sliding!  HA!

Uncle B and Mia!

After the party, we came home and Meme, Poppy, Daddy, Finley, Mia, Ben and I all went to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants.  It was a little late and Mia hadn’t had a nap, so she was super sleepy and quiet.  she asked for a balloon, and her wish is my command.  I went to the front counter and got her her purple balloon that she asked for.  After a few minutes of playing with it, she told me that she wanted to give her balloon to Jesus!  I told her would could write a message on it to give to Jesus.  She had me write “Hi Jesus! Love, Mia!” As soon as we got outside, she let it go to Jesus!  What a sweet heart she has :)

I’d like to think that Jesus loved His message :)

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