She was all smiles because she knew she didn’t have to get any shots this visit!
Mia stats:
Height: 40 inches- 25%
Weights: 38 lbs.- 25%
Finley stats:
Height: 29 inches- 20%
Weight: 18 lbs. 10 ounces- 3%
Head: 18 cm- 50%
Miss Finley is still sleeping the same, 12 hours at night and two naps during the day. She has become a little picky eater and it’s driving my crazy!!!! She is a little chatter box and talks all.the.time.
Words she says: bye bye, mama, dada, dog, wow, hi, no (imagine that!), yum yum (sounds like num num) and nigh nigh (night night). She also can tell you how the dog goes and says woof woof. She also roars like a lion when you ask her how the lion goes!
Finley knows where her head, eyes, nose and belly are. She loves to take a bath and she speed walks to the bathroom when you just mention “bath.” Girlfriend LOVES to sleep in her bed and actually won’t nap or sleep in my arms. She won’t be bothered by being rocked. We put her in her bed while she is awake, turn on her sound machine, give her a paci and her blankie and walk out. Not another peep out of her. I know that is a good problem to have, but part (or, a lot, actually) of me wants her to want me to cuddle her and rock her. Babies just don’t keep :(
My tiny lady is still a social butterfly and ridiculously happy. She is always smiling and waving and saying “HIIIII!” to EVERY person she sees. We get lots of compliments on her about how happy she is and what a wonderful personality she has. Just about every person that sees her makes a comment about her infectious smile and bubbly personality. Dr. Kim even looked at Dave and said “Dude! You’re in trouble!” HAHA!! Yes we are. With both of our beauties.
She officially has 6 ish teeth. The two fronts ones, bottom and top. and the ones directly beside those, on the right, top and bottom. She has one on the left bottom that just broke the surface, so that counts, right?!
FinnyQ loves to go in sisters room! When she sees that door open, she high tails it to try to get in there before it closes again! HA :) Her two favorite things: blankie and paci. She is an absolute “Poppy’s girl.” She is such a joy and has been since the very beginning. We are so blessed by her and we are thankful every single day for her.
I can not even explain how my heart feels when I look at these two. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness, gratitude and love. I am humbled by the fact that God gave them to me. I get to be their mommy. I am so lucky and fortunate. There is not a day goes by that I don’t look them in the eyes and feel amazed that they are mine. Although they are very different, they are each beautiful, inside and out. I watch them and their daddy bond and I fall in love with him all over again. I love my family so much!
Thankful. That is what I am feeling extra of today!
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