Monday, January 10, 2011

Chick-Fil-A date!

Not much going on here today.  We went to the gym and Jason's deli.  Again.  It was again amazing and delish!  We stopped by Target and bought Mia's Valentines Day basket.  In. The. Dollar. Bin!  We got flashcards for letters, numbers, rhyming and phonics!  We also got her some pink princess satin slippers and a Minnie Mouse book, along with lots of other goodies.  Yes I know it is just now the beginning of January, but if you know me, I am a big planner.  I love to plan, highlight, make lists, cross things off, etc. 

Speaking of planning...

I started planning Mia's SECOND birthday!  That sounds terrible.  TWO?  How in the world do I have a 2 year old??  I don't know how, but I do.  So off to planning her birthday!  To me, I'm actually running a little behind.  This time last year her big day was planned.  Practically DONE.  I thought it wouldn't get any more exciting than the 1st bday.  Boy was I wrong.  As I sat in front of the computer planning the bash, I had the heart-beat-out-of-my-chest-borderline-nauseous-excitement!  I love being that excited.  I do that frequently, actually. HA!  Anywho, in a nut shell, her party is going to be themed in Minnie Mouse.  I won't tell the details because I've got some AWESOMENESS up my sleeve!  You'll just have to wait for pictures!  If anyone has ever had/been to a Minnie Mouse bday party, or any little kid party really, and something stood out in your mind, PUH-LEEZE give me the deets :)

In other news...

I'm a single mom at night time.  Sucks. Big. Time.  Dave works second shift, and while he is out providing for us, I still hate it and wish he was here.  BUT, I'm gonna be content in the given situation, be thankful he HAS a job and just embrace it.  You know why?  Because me and my mini me (attitude at least), get to have little sweet dates!  Tonight we went to Kohls and bought her a VDay outfit and some Minnie Mouse cups, of course!  Then we went to Chick-Fil-A and had dinner and played!

She made it all the way to the top!  All by herself :)

It's these little moments that are so special.  I'm just trying to be content and live in the moment and never take anything for granted.  It was a wonderfully simple day!


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