We headed over to hang out with Meme, Poppy and Uncle B tonight while daddy worked. On the way there she held her baby and tweeted at the same time ;) Like mother, like daughter! HA!
We went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and Poppy and Mia found the wooden work bench. Mia loved hammering the blocks! A girl after her Poppy’s own heart.
That store is so neat, I could walk around there for hours, not to mention the amount of money I could spend in there! Mia has the same taste. She walked around trying to find “toys.” It didn’t matter what it was, if it was colorful and had fun writing on it, she decided it was a toy and wanted it!
We were all hungry and none of us could agree on where to eat. When we finally all agreed, the wait was over an hour. Um, an hour wait with a 2 year old and like-2-year-old Poppy? No thanks! HA! We started heading back toward home and remembered a new sushi place that had just opened up and it happened to be 2 minutes away from where we were! Yes! More sushi for me :) I could possibly get mercury poisoning with how much I love sushi. **AND I don’t mean a California roll, I mean FISH. RAW fish! It is absolutely so delish and refreshing! YUM!**
Mommy and her favorite little lady. I’m loving this front camera thing on my new phone!
Meme and Mia practice their hand tracing skills while we waited for our food. This is Mia’s new thing. She loves to trace her hand and have you trace yours!
Mia thinks it’s hilarious to bite into a lemon/lime and do this whole-body-shake type thing! She cracks herself up, silly kid :)
This day did not go anything as planned, but it turned out perfectly. We had a ridiculously amazing day!
Love her little pig tails! I love Bed, Bath, and Beyond too. I know I would love it even more if I knew the purpose for some of the gadgets! (: We are big into hand tracing in this house too!
New follower from Bloggy Moms. My family and I live in Somerset! :O) My little girl (8) is into dinosaurs at the moment.
As moms we should use all that we are given, and spending time away at work or otherwise isn't a bad thing:)
I found you on Bloggymom and thought I would come over to say hi!!!
Ha! I remember my days working as a nurse..and leaving my kids home with dad..he would say "don't break you neck running out the door!" I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can! happy New Year!
What a darling little girl you have! Love your blog! Look forward to getting to know you! Thanks for the follow!
My husband can totally relate to your desire to go back to work, right now. He just got a new job, while on the school's Christmas break (he was working as a school bus aid for disabled kids), so he ended up with over three weeks of vacation, and since we stayed home over the holidays, he's going a little stir-crazy (as am I, lol). He's thrilled about starting his new job on Monday - and more, I think, because it means having something to DO than because it's money at this point, HA!
Your daughter is incredibly cute, and I love her name! We're naming our daughter Serenity when she arrives in April :) How old is your little one?
I found your blog via the Bloggy Moms group - I read your intro, and left a reply for you. If you feel like checking out a new blog, you can find mine at http://little-bit-of-wonderful.blogspot.com/ (but I won't be offended if you don't stop by, I know life can be busy).
Hi. I am following from Bloggy Moms. I am happy at how God blessed you. :-)
Imelda@ http://www.auxilioabalto.us/et.al
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