Finley is such a precious girl with a sweet, laid back temperament. She has patience like her daddy and a smile like her sissy! I absolutely LOVE watching her grow and develop. I have not once stressed over mile stones or her health like I did,, with Mia. She is an absolute joy and a blessing.
This girl loves to coo and talk to us! She smiles ALL of the time, especially first thing in the mornings and during diaper changes!! She just loves for us to talk to her. She laughs out loud and I LOVE it!! Finley loves to play pat-a-cake and laughs out loud when we clap her hands together!!
She has obviously found her hands, and is quite fond of them…
Some statistics:
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: Mostly 3 months, but is now starting in on some 3-6 month clothes. How can this already be??? WAHHHH
Sleeps: About 6-9 hours at a time through the night. We aren’t on any type of schedule. We nurse when she wants and I just follow her lead. It’s working for us, perfectly. Again, super laid back this time around!
Eating: What can I say, that girl is a booby baby! She loves to nurse and actually won’t take hardly any pumped milk from the bottle. She nurses about every 3-4 hours through the day.
Likes: HER SWING!! That girl loves to swing and watch her mobile. She also enjoys her play mat, but for limited times ;) Loves to be patted on the butt, rocked and talked to.
Dislikes: Her car seat. She will fall asleep in it, but generally is not a fan of it. She doesn’t care for tummy time, but will do it for short periods.
Physical: 12 lbs. 3 ounces ~ 50%. 22.25 inches ~ 25%. Head 15.75inches ~ 50%
One month, two months, three months…
1 comment:
Three months? Wow! She is adorable!
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